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document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
location = 'http://example.com/';
}, false );
— Fires when an Ajax form submission has completed successfully, but mail hasn’t been sent because there are fields with invalid input. 当已经提交表单成功但是有不无效的字段的时候触犯发此事件。wpcf7spam
— Fires when an Ajax form submission has completed successfully, but mail hasn’t been sent because a possible spam activity has been detected. 垃圾邮件。wpcf7mailsent
— Fires when an Ajax form submission has completed successfully, and mail has been sent. 成功发送时。wpcf7mailfailed
— Fires when an Ajax form submission has completed successfully, but it has failed in sending mail. 发送失败时。wpcf7submit
— Fires when an Ajax form submission has completed successfully, regardless of other incidents. 提交后。